2. Adopt the tying (wearing) of the Imaama (Turban), for it is the sign of the Angels, and allow it (i.e. the Shimlah) to hang at the back. [Shu'ab al-Iman, Vol. 5, Page 176, Hadith 6262]
3. The distinction between us and the mushriks (polytheists) is that our turbans are worn (tied) on (top of our) hats. [Tirmidhi, Vol. 3, Page 305, Hadith 1791]
4. Wearing an Imamah over a headgear is the difference between us and the Mushrikin [Idol-worshippers]. For every fold of the Imamah that a Muslim wraps around his head, he will be given one Noor on the Day of Judgement. [Suyuti, Al-Jami' as-Saghir, Page 353, Hadith 5725]

6. Indeed Allah sent Angels wearing these turbans to support me in (the battles of) Badar and Hunayn. Verily, turbans differentiate between Kufr (infidelity) and Iman (faith). [Bayhaqi, Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 10, Page 14, Hadith 18163]
7. Imamahs are the crowns of the Arabs, so wear the Imamah and your honour will augment. Whoever wears an Imamah; he gains one virtue for every fold . [Jam' al-Jawami', Vol. 5, Page 202, Hadith 14536]
8. Tie the turban, your tolerance will increase. [Al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn lil-Hakim, Vol. 5, Page 272, Hadith 7488]
9. Offering Salah whilst wearing an Imamah is equivalent to 10,000 virtues. [Daylami, Firdaus bima' Saur al-Khattab, Vol. 2, Page 406, Hadith 3805]

10. Indeed, Allah and His angels send Salat upon those who wear Imamah (turban) on Friday. [Majma' al-Zawaid, Vol. 2, Page 394, Hadith 3075]
11. One Salat al-Jumu'ah performed whilst wearing an Imamah is equivalent to 70 without it. [Ibn Asakir, Tarikh Madinah Dimishq, Vol. 37, Page 355]
12. AlaHadrat Mawlana Shah Imam Ahmad Rida Khan (Alayhir Rahmah) has stated:
"The grandson of Sayyiduna Umar Farooq-e-Azam (Radi Allahu Anhu), Sayyiduna Saalim (Radi Allahu Anhu) said, "I came to my father Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu) who was tying the turban. Having tied his turban, he (Radi Allahu Anhu) looked at me and asked, "Do you like to wear turban?" I replied, "Why not!" Sayyiduna Abdullah ibn Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu) said, "Adopt the Sunnah of wearing turban, you will gain respect and when Satan sees you in turban, he will turn his back. I heard the Rasool of Allah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) say, "Offering one Salah with a turban is equivalent to offering twenty-five without turban, and one Jumu'ah with turban is equivalent to seventy without turban." Sayyiduna Ibn Umar (Radi Allahu Anhu) then said, "Oh son! Wear the turban because the angels tie the turban on Friday and send peace until sunset upon those who wear turban." [Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol. 6, Page 215]

Important Notes:
1. Tie the Imamah whilst standing, and put on the Pajamah [Shalwar, lower garment] whilst sitting. Whoever does the opposite of this (i.e. he ties the Imamah whilst sitting, and puts on the lower garment whilst standing); he will be afflicted with a disease, for which there is no cure. [Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 16, Page 303]
2. Bind the Imamah whilst standing facing the Qiblah. [Kashf al-Iltibas fi Istihbab al-Libas lil Shaykh Abd-ul-Haq Dehlawi, Page 38]
3. It is more appropriate to wrap the first fold of the Imamah towards the right side of the head. [Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol. 22, Page 199]
4. When one ties a turban, then the Shimlah (tail) should hang on the back, between both shoulders. There is a difference of opinion regarding the length of the Shimlah. However, the maximum length should be such, that when one sits, it is not pressed (under you). [Fatawa Alamgiri, Vol. 5, Page 330]

5. Some people do not hang a Shimlah at all. This is contrary to the Sunnah. There are some who bring it to the top and then tuck it into the turban. This too should not be done, especially in the condition of Salah, as it would be Makruh. [Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 16, Page 418]
7. The length of the Shimlah of the Imamah should be at least the width of four fingers, and at most up to the middle of the back, i.e. approximately the length of one arm. [Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol. 22, Page 182]
8. When one wishes specifically to re-tie the turban, then it should not be removed and thrown onto the ground, but it should be unwrapped in the manner in which it was tied. [Fatawa Alamgiri, Vol. 5, Page 330]
9. The Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) used to wear a white topi touching his head under his blessed turban. [Madarij an-Nubuwwah, Vol. 1, Page 471]

10. Even though it is proven that Rasoolullah (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) wore a topi but the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) also used to wear an Amaama (Turban). In other words, under the turban, he used to wear a topi, and He said that the difference between unbelievers and us is the tying of the turban on a topi. In other words, we keep both these things and they only tie the turban. They do not wear a topi under their turbans. Hence, even when the kuffaar here wear the turban, they do not wear a topi underneath it. Some have explained this Hadith to mean that wearing only the topi is the manner of the mushrikeen (polytheists), but this assertion is incorrect, because even the mushrikeen of Arabia used to tie turbans. It is clearly mentioned in Mirkaat, the annotation of Mishkaat that the small size turban of the beloved Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) was of seven hands in length and the large size turban was of twelve hands in length. In short, the turban should be kept according to this Sunnah (in length). It should not exceed this in length. Some people wear huge (i.e. long) turbans. This should not be done as it is contrary to the Sunnah. In Maarwar (a place in India), many people there tie turbans that are not very wide, but are forty and fifty yards in length. Muslims should not tie turbans like these. [Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 16, Page 419]
11. One should tie it giving a shape like that of a dome. What we now see in Arabia is not Sunnah but it is called I'tijaar, meaning tying the turban round the head and keeping the middle part open. The scholars have deem I'itijaar as Makruh. [Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol. 22, Page 186-187]
12. I'tijaar, in other words to tie the turban in such a manner that it is not on the head in the middle, is Makruh-e-Tahreemi. To tie an Imamah in this way, even out of Salah is Makruh. [Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 3, Page 372]
13. I'tijaar is to tie the Imamah and leaving the hat (topi) uncovered. [Waqar al-Fatawa, Vol. 2, Page 248 | Fatawa Bahr al-Uloom, Page 106-107]

14. If you have a large kerchief with which you can produce enough folds to cover the whole head, then it will be considered as an Imamah. It is Makruh to bind a small kerchief with which one can only produce one or two folds. [Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol. 7, Page 299]
15. If Imamah is to be taken off out of some need and there is intention to bind it again, then one sin will be effaced on unwinding each fold. [Fatawa Radawiyyah, Vol. 6, Page 214]
16. The blessed Imamah of the Holy Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) was often white, sometimes black and sometimes green. [Kashf al-Iltibas fi Istihbab al-Libas lil Shaykh Abd-ul-Haq Dehlawi, Page 38]
17. Acting upon the auspicious Sunnah of the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam) i.e. tying the turban relieves one from severe depression and fortifies the capability of endurance. According to the latest scientific research, the fortunate Muslim who adorns an Imamah on a regular basis will remain secured from stroke and various blood-related illnesses. This is because, with the blessings of adorning the Imamah Sharif, the pressure of the blood in the large blood vessels leading towards the brain remains in accordance with its requirement, and so surplus blood is not transported to the brain! Hence, in America, an Imamah-like mask has now been designed for the treatment of stroke.

Shahzad Afzal